夏熠珣,博士,助理研究员。毕业于我校获得博士学位(2016年)、加州大学戴维斯分校博士联合培养(2012-2014年)、新西兰植物与食品研究院Research Scientist(2016-2019年)。自2010年以来,一直从事食品感官生理学基础及食品感官分析新方法与应用等研究,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金、江苏省博士后科研资助基金等省部级科研项目以及企业委托项目共16项,在国内外核心学术期刊发表论文20余篇,并自2017年开始担任国际期刊Food Quality and Preference编委至今,申请国家发明专利2项,参与制定和修订国家标准1项。参与承担江苏省高校省级外国留学生精品课程<Food Sensory Evaluation>。
1. 国基自然科学基金青年基金,32001628,不同结构甜菊糖苷苦味产生机制的研究,2021/01-2023/12;
2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金,BK20200596,不同结构甜菊糖苷苦味成为规律及产生机制的研究,2020/07-2023/06;
3. 江苏省博士后科研资助基金A类,2019K092,不同结构甜菊糖苷的苦味呈现规律及其苦味抑制机制研究,2019/07-2021/07;
4. 企业横向课题,食品感官评定技术咨询,2019;
5. 企业横向课题,果冻类产品消费者测试,2019;
6. 企业横向课题,预调鸡尾酒饮料消费者喜好测试,2019;
7. 企业横向课题,脉动饮料差别检验,2019-2020;
8. 企业横向课题,水样GCMS分析,2019-2020;
9. 企业横向课题,草本样品感官评价及理化分析,2019-2020;
10. 企业横向课题,规范感官评价实操班(线上),2020;
11. 企业横向课题,饮料感官研究,2020-2021;
12. 企业横向课题,草本样品感官标准体系建立,2020-2021;
13. 企业横向课题,不同产品描述性感官评价体系建立,2021-2022
14. 企业横向课题,水口感的影响因素理论体系的建立,2019;
15. 企业横向课题,感官测试服务合同,2019-2020;
16. 企业横向课题,感官科学应用研究技术咨询,2019-2020;
17. 企业横向课题,减糖产品感官特性及应用研究,2020-2021;
· Yixun Xia, Noelia De Mingo, Jesús Mendez Martín, Julie Bodeau, Marine Perret, Fang Zhong*, Michael O’Mahony*. Is the absolute scaling model the basis for the 9-point hedonic scale? Evidence from poulson’s stimulus range equalizing bias [J]. Food Quality and Preference, 2021
· Yixun Xia, Jiahui Song, Fang Zhong*, Jeremia Halim, Michael O’Mahony*. The 9-point hedonic scale: Using R-Index Preference Measurement to compute effect size and eliminate artifactual ties [J]. Food Research International, 2020
· Yixun Xia, Jiahui Song, Puiyee Lee, Huijuan Shen, Jiaoliang Hou, Jian Yang, Fang Zhong*. Impact of consumption frequency on generations of sensory product profiles using CATA questions: Case studies with two drink categories[J]. Food Research International, 2020
· Yixun Xia, Jeremia Halim, Jiahui Song, Danyi Li, Boyang Gao, Fang Zhong*, Michael O’Mahony*. Paired preference tests and placebo placement: 2. Unraveling the effects of stimulus variance[J]. Food Research International, 2020
· Yixun Xia, Fang Zhong*, Michael O’Mahony. Applying disruptive preference test protocols to increase the number of “no preference” responses in the placebo pair, using Chinese consumers. Journal of Food Science, 2016, 81(9): S 2233-S2239
· Yixun Xia, Fang Zhong*, Michael O’Mahony. Paired preference testing: False preferences and disruptive protocols. Food Science and Biotechnology, 2016, 25: 1-10
· Yixun Xia, Fang Zhong*, Michael O’Mahony. Pairing Detection of Off‐Flavor in Orange Juice with Preference Tests. Journal of sensory studies, 2015, 30(4): 259-268
· Yixun Xia, Fang Zhong*, Michael O’Mahony. Is the Discrepancy between Numbers Derived from Verbal and Numerical Protocols for 9‐Point Hedonic Scales an Artifact of Product Choice? 2015, 30(4): 269-279
· Yixun Xia, Jason Zhang, Xiaotian Zhang, Rie Ishii, Fang Zhong, Michael O’Mahony*. Tetrads, triads and pairs: Experiments in self-specification. Food quality and preference, 2015, 40: 97-105
· Yixun Xia, Fang Zhong*, Yumei Chang, Yue Li. An Aromatic Lexicon Development for Soymilks. International journal of food properties, 2015, 18 (1): 125-136
· Yixun Xia, Rivera‐Quintero, A., Calderon, E., Zhong, F. and O'Mahony, M. Paired preference tests with reversed hidden demand characteristics. Journal of Sensory Studies, 2014, 29(2): 149-158
· 夏熠珣,钟芳,虞健;预测 “实际偏好”的偏好性检验方法探讨,食品与生物技术学报(2013)(CSCD)
· 夏熠珣,钟芳,李玥;描述性分析在食品感官评定中的应用进展,粮食与油脂(2010)(CSCD)